Weblog (Online Diary)


11/22/2001 - thanksgiving! | 11/15/2001 | 11/3/2001 | 10/26/2001 | Daily Log Page for 10/25 | Weekly Log Page for 1/1 to 1/7 | Essay Page | Postings List | New Page Title
Essay Page

In depth...

Sometimes, a topic that I've touched on in one of my log entries may need a little elaboration, or I may want to put thoughts scattered around many entries together in one place. And so I'll periodically contribute short essays to this site.

For example, I might include an essay on a controversial subject, like the effectiveness of capital punishment. Or I might write a personal essay about growing up or about my philosophy of life or child-rearing.

Writing essays requires a little more work than writing log entries, but it also gives me a chance to really shape and express my thoughts.